
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n

Bitumen Mixtures
Bitumen Mixtures

Bituminous mixtures are mostly being used in roads, highways and other infrastructures (e.g. sports facilities). Therefore, the quality of bituminous mixtures can influence directly the quality and safety of these structures. Bituminous mixtures placed in the European market are regulated by the Construction Products Regulation 305/2011 (CPR).

EUROCERT, as a Notified Body (NB 1128), with extensive experience in construction products certification, can offer factory production control certification services according to AVCP system 2+.


Manufacturer responsibilities:

  • To perform Type Testing of the produced bitumen/bituminous emulsions/bituminous binders.
  • To implement Factory Production Control (FPC)
  • To draw up a program of follow-up testing, specifying types, frequencies, etc.

Responsibilities of the notified body:

  • To perform Factory Production Control initial audit
  • To perform annual surveillance audits

CE marking documents:

  • Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control (Notified Body)
  • Declaration of Performance (Manufacturer)
  • CE marking and labelling (Manufacturer)

Ability to market your product(s) throughout the EUROPEAN UNION
Continuous improvement of your FPC system through annual surveillances

Added value to the product(s) due to AVCP 2+ certification
Στάθης Αθανασιάδης

Στάθης Αθανασιάδης

Construction Products Auditor - Chemical Engineer AUTH

Tel: +30 2106252495

Direct: *320

Mobile: +30 6978487976

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