
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n

Social Responsibility Management System

ISO 26000 is based on the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and provides the framework and necessary guidelines for an organization to implement its principles through relevant actions, initiatives and best practices. It can be applied by any organization or business of any size, public or private, and in any type of industry.

WHAT IS ISO 26000?
WHAT IS ISO 26000?

ISO 26000 is guidance on Social Responsibility and the implementation of CSR, covering all the areas of ethics, sustainability and governance, the environment and consultation with the local community. It provides principles and guidelines, but not required criteria. The standard is not certifiable, but after successful completion of the audit, an attestation of proper implementation of the standard may be issued.

ISO 26000 includes seven core subjects, which are:

  1. Organizational governance
  2. Human Rights 
  3. Labour practices 
  4. Environment 
  5. Fair operating practices 
  6. Consumer issues
  7. Community involvement and development

The key benefits of implementation of a Social Responsibility Management System in accordance with the ISO 26000: 2010 for an organization are the following:

• Comparative market advantage

• A key tool for shaping and managing a sustainability strategy

• Promotion of a corporate culture

• Incentive for employees

• Continuous improvement of performance in economic, social and environmental terms

• Added value to sustainability principles and CSR that are already implemented


• Because we are the largest Greek independent certification body accredited by the ESYD, with offices in more than 25 countries worldwide. Certification with Eurocert means evaluation and acceptance by an accredited and reliable certification body

• Because we are the only Greek certification body accredited by SAAS (American accreditation body) in 2009 to conduct audits according to the widely accepted standard for social responsibility, SA8000

• Because we are the leading certification body in the field of social responsibility and accountability with experience in certification according to SA8000, Sedex (Smeta) and Ethos

• Because we are able to provide your company with a complete solution for the certification of management systems by providing accreditation for a very wide range of certification services

Relative Documents

Please read the attachments for more information

Since the standard contains guidelines rather than requirements, a successful audit does not lead to the issue of a certificate but to an attestation of proper implementation
Typically 3-6 months implementation is required, although this may depend on many parameters. An important parameter is that the business demonstrates that the Social Responsibility Management System is fully implemented and complies with the guidelines. The level of engagement and participation of senior management and employees is crucial in determining the time required.
No. ISO 26000 aims to continua improvement and does not substitute public controls. Nevertheless, it organizes the company to prevent and meet certain legislative requirements by acting preventively and thus avoiding the imposition of possible fines.
George Theodoropoulos

George Theodoropoulos

Vice Certification Director Quality Sector - BS in Physics UOA, MSc, MBA

Tel: +30 2106252495

Direct: *319

Mobile: 6981471180

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