
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n


Directive 2010/35/EU addresses both manufacturers and users of transportable pressure equipment. The Directive was adopted by the Greek Legislation in the Official Gazette (2236/B/2011). The equipment could be pressure receptacles for the transport of materials of class 2 of the ADR agreement but also exceptionally some specific materials of other classes in gaseous form under pressure.

This Directive covers the initial manufacture and therefore the new release of equipment on the market, their periodic control and also the re-evaluation of compliance for the purpose of marking existing equipment. It covers a wide range of applications since it covers drums, cylinders and vials as well as components such as safety valves and taps for liquefied and cryogenic materials.

Manufacturers, users and inspectors of transportable pressure devices are required to apply the Directive.

What is Pi marking of transportable pressure equipment

The marking of Directive 2010/35/EU is the Greek letter π, as depicted in the Directive. It is accompanied by the four-digit identification number of the Notified Body.

The certification process is defined by the Directive and follows the procedures of the ADR agreement. Depending on the type of equipment, the type of control and the harmonized standard, the process varies. Please consult one of our experienced staff for the appropriate procedure for each case.

Companies seeking to export transportable pressure equipment to the European market must comply with the TPED Directive 2010/35/EU. In addition to TPED, companies are also required to comply with the agreements and regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR), by rail (RID) and by inland waterways (ADN).

The goals and Benefits
The goals and Benefits
  • Single framework of rules within the EU
  • Safety and protection of people using transportable pressure equipment
  • Elimination of obstacles to free trade due to differences in National Legislation as it sets common procedures and periodic control in the Member States.
  • Compliance of of the transported equipment under pressure with substantial safety requirements depending on the type of equipment

Independence: EUROCERT is a European Independent Certification Body, with highly trained scientific inspectors and experienced in the field they operate, founded by scientists with many years of experience in audits and
inspections, with offices in 50 countries.

Validity: Eurocert AE is a notified body in the European Union with no. 1128 for the CE marking of pressure equipment and simple pressure vessels and accredited by IAF.

Experience: More than 25 years of activity in the certification of pressure equipment.

Relative Documents

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George Nikolopoulos

George Nikolopoulos

Strategic & Commercial Development Director - Mechanical Engineer

Tel: +30 2106252495

Direct: *399

Mobile: +30 6973357512

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