
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n


The CE pressure equipment marking is mandatory for the distribution of products in the European market in accordance with the European Directive 2014/68/EU and is addressed to pressure equipment manufacturers.

The CE marking of Simple Pressure Vessels is mandatory for placing products in the European market in accordance with the European Directive 2014/29/EU and is addressed to manufacturers of simple pressure vessels.

This Directive applies to the design, construction and conformity assessment of pressure equipment and assemblies with a maximum permissible pressure PS of more than 0.5 bar.

The main purpose of the Legislation is to demonstrate the safe use of a product that will operate under pressure conditions:
Pressure equipment according to the Directive can be classified as:

Industrial valves, airlocks, piping systems used in production processes(process piping) vessels, pressure piping, safety fittings and pressure fittings,exchangers, boilers, gas tanks, etc. Characteristic examples are gas, ammonia tanks, steam boilers, heat exchangers.

A simple pressure vessel is any welded vessel subjected to a relative internal pressure greater than 0.5 bar, intended to contain air or nitrogen, and not intended to be exposed to flame.

What is CE marking of pressure equipment & simple pressure vessels

The CE marking, which stands for "Conformite Européenne," is a label that must appear on all pressure equipment that can be sold in European Union (EU) member states. The mark can be seen as a “passport” which allows manufacturers around the world to transport and sell their products freely in the European Union's internal market.

The CE marking informs the millions of European consumers that the manufacturer has manufactured the products in accordance with European health, safety and environmental regulations.

Equipment certification is done through a combination of the following elements:
  • Design / Type Approval
  • Construction Inspection
  • Quality Assurance System
The certification process is defined by the above European Directives and generally includes:
The certification process is defined by the above European Directives and generally includes:
1.Application in which referring the type of equipment and the conformity assessment category required according to the above European Directives.  

2. Technical file in accordance with the annexes which generally contains:

  • Equipment description – technical description.
  • Complete engineering drawings (signed by an engineer).
  • Construction study according to a harmonized standard.
  • List of materials used as well as material certificates.The materials to be used must be in accordance with the harmonized standard and their certificates must be in accordance with the provisions of the standard.
  • Certificates of welding methods that correspond to the manufacturing methods.
  • Valid welders certificates.
  • Non-destructive testing (NDT) by an accredited testing laboratory according to the harmonized standard.

After presenting the above and upon approval of the technical file, the Notified Body follows the control provisions of the European Directive according to the conformity assessment method chosen by the manufacturer.

The Goals and Benefits

Single framework of rules within the EU


Safety and protection of people using pressure equipment


Elimination of obstacles to free trade due to differences in National Legislation


Compliance of pressure equipment with essential safety requirements depending on the type of equipment.


Independence: EUROCERT is a Greek Independent Certification Body, with highly trained scientific inspectors and experienced in the field they operate,founded by scientists with many years of experience in audits and inspections,with offices in 50 countries in Europe and Asia.

Validity:EUROCERT is a Notified Body in the European Union with registration nr 1128 for the certification of pressure equipment and simple pressure vessels and an Accredited Body by the Greek Accreditation Council (ESYD), with accreditation certificates nr 3 and 21.

Experience: More than 20 years of activity in the certification of pressure equipment and simple pressure vessels.

Relative Documents

Please read the attachments for more information

Gerasimos Tsakarisianos

Gerasimos Tsakarisianos

Deputy Technical Director - Mechanical Engineer

Tel: +30 2106252495

Direct: *208

Mobile: +30 6978487977

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